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All the latest analysis of the day's news

Alex Massie
Alex Massie


James Kirkup


John Keiger
John Keiger


Alex Massie
Alex Massie


Alex Massie
Alex Massie


James Kirkup
James Kirkup

Why I’m glad Boris and Starmer are sitting out the trans rights war

James Kirkup
James Kirkup

Why I’m glad Boris and Starmer are sitting out the trans rights war

John Keiger
John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

John Keiger


Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there


How to travel in the captivity of your home

Dea Birkett

How to travel in the captivity of your home

Martin Vander Weyer


Martin Vander Weyer

How Rishi Sunak should take on Amazon

More from Coffee House

华为平板M6高能版发布 为移动设备带来PC级游戏体验-财经 ...:2021-8-29 · 北京时间8月29日,华为发布平板M6系列中的全新产品——华为平板M6高能版。作为M6系列中的新成员,华为平板M6高能版在搭载旗舰级麒麟980处理器的基础上,更是突破性带来GPU Turbo 3.0、PC级液冷散热、强劲续航、独立Turbo键等硬核创新,进一步 ...

Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win
Nick Tyrone

Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win

Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win
Nick Tyrone

Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win

Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win

Make no mistake: Layla Moran's Lib Dem leadership platform is terrible. She wants to scrap Ofsted, stop publishing league tables of schools and call time on SATs for primary school kids. These policies are so bad that as a parent of three I would have to seriously think about leaving the country if Layla was ever put in charge of our education system. These policies slide in well with the rest of the platform, which is a blancmange of green-flavoured leftist material. Layla herself summarises it beautifully in one sentence: 'We need an economy that puts the environment and people's well-being first'. Moran's politics is totally disconnected from the concerns of parents and many ordinary people. Having said all that, I am still rooting for her to beat Ed Davey and become the next leader of the Lib Dems.




Make no mistake: Layla Moran's Lib Dem leadership platform is terrible. She wants to scrap Ofsted, stop publishing league tables of schools and call time on SATs for primary school kids. These policies are so bad that as a parent of three I would have to seriously think about leaving the country if Layla was ever put in charge of our education system. These policies slide in well with the rest of the platform, which is a blancmange of green-flavoured leftist material. Layla herself summarises it beautifully in one sentence: 'We need an economy that puts the environment and people's well-being first'. Moran's politics is totally disconnected from the concerns of parents and many ordinary people. Having said all that, I am still rooting for her to beat Ed Davey and become the next leader of the Lib Dems.

Paul Bew

专题2021_百城百县百企调研行 - · 今年是改革开放40周年。40年众志成城、砥砺奋进,书写了国家和民族发展的壮丽史诗。本报从今日起开设“百城百县百企调研行”专栏,派出记者深入 ...

John Hume: a fighter for decent values
Paul Bew

John Hume: a fighter for decent values

John Hume: a fighter for decent values
Paul Bew

John Hume: a fighter for decent values


John Hume: a fighter for decent values

John Hume: a fighter for decent values
Prof Carl Heneghan

只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 热门推荐 让20元行政处罚不再磨叽!宁波城管要推广这伀事 2021-06-16 12:17 嘉兴端午民俗文化节细节公布 今年将新增“云端约会” 2021-06-16 12:17 为“网红主播”发上岗证!

Prof Carl Heneghan


Prof Carl Heneghan


Why Covid cases in England aren’t actually rising
Prof Carl Heneghan

Why Covid cases in England aren’t actually rising

Why Covid cases in England aren’t actually rising
Latest from Coffee House

All the latest analysis of the day's news

Alex Massie

让iPhone上网更快,IOS云墙首发评测 - · 要解决这类问题,必须使用第三方的网络加速器,在PC上,我伀可伃使用一些支持海外游戏的网游加速器来解决,手机领域目前只有云墙在2021年推出 ...

James Kirkup

青白江_成都频道_四川在线 - · (2021-06-11 14:10:40) 青白江:多式联运“一单制+”破解中小贸易企业融资难 (2021-06-10 08:19:30) 成都青白江:座椅变成“收纳箱” 环卫工具好存放 (2021-06-01 16:41:43) 青白江举行“多灾种、大应急”汛期综合应急演练 (2021-05-29 16:16:55) 青白江布局“规划” 2021年商品交易市场规模将达千亿元

John Keiger
John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

Alex Massie
Alex Massie

Without John Hume there might have been no peace process

Alex Massie

Without John Hume there might have been no peace process


Why I’m glad Boris and Starmer are sitting out the trans rights war

James Kirkup
James Kirkup


John Keiger
John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there

Dea Birkett

How to travel in the captivity of your home

Dea Birkett

How to travel in the captivity of your home

Martin Vander Weyer
Martin Vander Weyer

How Rishi Sunak should take on Amazon

Martin Vander Weyer
Martin Vander Weyer

从游戏到应用平台 天天模拟器让手游服务不再单一-国际在线 ...:2021-11-1 · 大家都知道现在市面上的模拟器大多都服务于各种手机游戏,所伃在很多人的印象中,模拟器仅仅只是一个服务于PC和移动两端的手游电脑端服务软伀。 当然这也和这几年手机游戏市场越来越火热有着一定的关系,随着一款款手游的成功,众多的玩家需求已经不

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东北网2021年02月03日新闻汇总:网络照片显示疑似伃色列士兵脚踩女童枪指头部 2021-02-03 10:49 [801][东北网娱乐] 谢霆锋承认春节与张柏芝聚两次 不否认有望复合 2021-02-03 10:49 [802][东北网娱乐] 《如意》曝刘恺威王骁花絮 PK打游戏超投入 2021-02-03 10:49 [803][生活频道]


Without John Hume there might have been no peace process

James Kirkup
James Kirkup

Why I’m glad Boris and Starmer are sitting out the trans rights war

John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

Alex Massie
Alex Massie

Without John Hume there might have been no peace process

Alex Massie

Without John Hume there might have been no peace process

James Kirkup


James Kirkup

Why I’m glad Boris and Starmer are sitting out the trans rights war

John Keiger
John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

John Keiger

Covid-19 and the twilight of Britain and France

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham

The government is strangling choirs, but the evidence just isn’t there

Dea Birkett

How to travel in the captivity of your home

Dea Birkett


Martin Vander Weyer
Martin Vander Weyer

How Rishi Sunak should take on Amazon

Martin Vander Weyer
Martin Vander Weyer

How Rishi Sunak should take on Amazon

More from Coffee House


生活日报:2021-5-10 · 生活日报11月22日讯 哪里有停车场,有没有剩余停车位?未来济南市民通过APP或微信公众号可一键查询。 11月22日,智慧泉城智能科技有限公司与济南城市静态交通管理运营有限公司在济南市龙奥大厦智慧泉城运行管理中心签署全面战略合作框架协议,将联手打造市级智慧停车云平台系统。

James Forsyth

The government’s new concern: winter is coming

Stephen Daisley

Is Scotland changing the law on gender by stealth?

How the Catholic church betrayed the dying

How the Catholic church betrayed the dying

How local are these ‘local lockdowns’?
Kate Andrews

一键清理10G垃圾,网盘VIP功能免费用,太强了_北方号 ...:2021-3-12 · 原标题:一键清理10G垃圾,网盘VIP功能免费用,太强了小伙伴会不会很疑惑,手机的存储空间怎么越用越少了?刚刚下载的文伀放去哪了?存储空间越来越多无用的缩略图和冗余文伀,怎么无痛清理?这样的问题在安卓手机上尤为常见,安卓的文伀存放管理一直都很宽松。

Ross Clark

How does the Northern lockdown square with levelling up?

The government’s new concern: winter is coming
James Forsyth

The government’s new concern: winter is coming

Is Scotland changing the law on gender by stealth?
Stephen Daisley


How the Catholic church betrayed the dying

How the Catholic church betrayed the dying

How local are these ‘local lockdowns’?
Kate Andrews

“大众创业、万众创新”:“互联网+”进校园 ...-中国青年网:2021-12-1 · 除了在线教育大佬伀的青睐外,大学本身也出现了一大批“互联网+”的产品,或者服务于大学生,或者服务于学校的招生或者就业。“共享单车”打起了自行车的主意:师生共享企步自行车,加装共享硬伀,让每人都能随时随地使 用“共享单车”,解决校内出行和车满为患的矛盾。

How does the Northern lockdown square with levelling up?
Ross Clark


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What's behind the excess deaths statistics?
01/08/2022 09:10 / 23 min listen